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  • What grades does Drexel Academy serve?
    Our private school serves students from kindergarten to 8th grade.
  • Is there a uniform policy?
    Yes, we have a uniform policy to promote a sense of unity and equality, and to provide a focused learning environment.
  • What are the school hours?
    Drexel Academy is open from 8:15 am to 2:30 pm CDT.
  • What is the admissions process?
    The admissions process typically includes completing an application, attending an interview, and submitting any required documents.
  • How are parents involved in the school community?
    We encourage parent involvement through various avenues, including volunteer opportunities, parent-teacher conferences, and participation in school events and committees.
Drexel Academy Logo
(773) 752-5644 | 12751 S. Wood St., Calumet Park, IL 60406
All rights reserved.  © 2024 Drexel Academy.
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